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It is great to have you living in Glenside.

People like living in Glenside. Some of the good things that create community connectivity are given on the page Being a good neighbour. This Fact Sheet provides a guide of what is useful to know when you first move to Glenside. Items are listed in alphabetical order.

Bus services and times

No 60 bus service between Porirua - Tawa – Glenside – Johnsonville

This bus service passes along Middleton Road approximately every 20 minutes from Porirua to Johnsonville and return, taking approx. 35 mins to complete the journey from end to end. This service stops at Kenepuru Hospital.

On weekends it travels the same route at half hourly intervals on Saturday, and hourly on Sunday.

During weekday rush hour peaks it extends into Courtenay Place – see 60e (below).

No 60e bus service between Porirua - Tawa – Glenside – Johnsonville – Courtenay Place

This bus service is an extension of the 60 bus service above, extending into Wellington City during weekday peak hours.

From Porirua: there are five extended bus services at 20 minute intervals each morning, starting at 6.30 a.m., the final service leaving Porirua at 7:50 a.m.

The 7:10 a.m. service is the St Pats School bus service, taking pupils to St Patricks School in Evans Bay after discharging passengers along its normal route into and through the city. This service is for the paying public as well as St Pats students.

From City: there are two extended bus services each morning, leaving Courtenay Place at 7.33 a.m. and 7.52 a.m. and travelling the same route through Porirua, and onto Whitireia Polytechnic.

From City: There are four extended bus services leaving Courtenay Place and travelling through the City, to Johnsonville, and onto Porirua. They are irregularly timed, with the first service leaving Courtenay Place at 4.08 p.m. and the last at 5.55 p.m.

From Porirua: There are no extended services from Porirua in the evenings.

This service does not run on weekends.

No 1 bus service between Churton Park/Grenada Village – Johnsonville – Wellington City – Island Bay

This service begins at either of three hubs:
Churton Park
Johnsonville West
Grenada Village

 …after which all services travel through to Johnsonville, and then onto Wellington City, Wellington Hospital, and to Island Bay. Services run every half hour from each of these starting points.

The return services leave every 10 minutes from Island Bay, filtering out to each of the three end points after arriving at the Johnsonville hub.

No 19 bus service between Johnsonville – Churton Park – Johnsonville

This services begins at Johnsonville, travels along Middleton Road to Halswater Drive, where it travels up to the Churton Park shopping centre. From here it meanders through Churton Park on Westchester Dr, Amesbury Dr, Waverton Tce, before looping around Abilene Tce, Cambrian St, Churton Dr, before arriving back at Middleton Road, and heading back to Johnsonville.

This service takes 25 minutes to complete end to end and operates at 30 minute intervals.

During weekday rush hour peaks it extends into Wellington City – see 19e (below).

No 19e bus service between Johnsonville – Churton Park – Johnsonville – Wellington City (currently not operating).

This service follows the same route as No 19 as above, with eight extra services at 20 minute
intervals extending into Wellington City during the morning rush hour.

There are six corresponding evening services leaving Brandon Street (Wellington Central), and travelling via Lambton Quay, Wellington Rail Station, onto Johnsonville and following the normal route thereafter. These services leave Wellington Central at 4.10pm and run approx. every 30 minutes thereafter.

This service does not run on weekends.

 Glenside Progressive Assn. Inc.

The purpose of the association is to provide leadership and guidance for the Glenside community in the preservation, maintenance and enhancement of the environment of Glenside. The association provides a forum for discussion by the Glenside community about issues that impact on the community. Meetings are held every six weeks and advertised in a local newsletter delivered to Glenside homes.

 Household rubbish


Household rubbish will only be collected if it is in approved Wellington City Council yellow rubbish bags. These bags can be purchased at the local supermarket.

Collection Day

Monday morning (and Wednesday morning for residents from Rowells Road north).When collection day falls on Christmas Day, or New Years day, collection will occur the week before or week later. When this occurs you will need to contact the City Council to find out which day your household rubbish will be collected.


There is a service for recycling glass, tin, plastic and paper. Chat to your neighbours about how that works and on what day recycling collections are made.


The Porirua City Council operates the Spicer Landfill where you can take large items or garden waste for disposal. The Council also operates Trash Palace, a recycling centre on the road to the landfill.


Johnsonville Public Library and the Tawa Public Library are closest to Glenside. Some of the library services include:

  • Home delivery service at a small fee for people unable to get to the library.
  • An on-line guided tour of services in a selection of languages.
  • Personal guided tour of library services for new residents.
  • Audio books accessible from your home computer.
  • Informative community notice-boards.

 Mail and circulars

Glenside has a dedicated NZ Post driver delivering mail. 

Closest NZ Post mail box

The NZ Post mail box are located outside the New World supermarket in Churton Park and outside the dairy on Middleton Road.


If you don’t wish to receive circulars or free newspapers, put a sign on your mailbox stating “Addressed mail only”.


The suburban newspapers are delivered free. This is The Independent Herald. Delivery is spasmodic and people living in rural Glenside are unlikely to receive this paper as deliveries are made on foot. It is available free on the internet. Copies are also held at Twigland Gardeners World and Churton Park New World.

The Dominion Post will be delivered to your home if you subscribe to it. Glenside has a dedicated driver who delivers to Middleton Road and all of Glenside in the early hours of the morning.

 Milk deliveries

There is no longer a door to door service for milk deliveries.

 Railway to school and work

The closest railway station on the main trunk line is Takapu at the Willowbank end of Middleton Road. It takes about 12 minutes to get to Wellington or Porirua from Takapu.The Johnsonville line is a 21 minute trip to Wellington.

There are cheaper rates available on railway passes for example, for regular commuters, school pupils and pensioners.

School Information

Home zone

Due to it’s central location Glenside has a good selection of schools with overlapping home zones. Check with the school for its current home zone.

Primary schools website links

There are several primary schools in Tawa the closest being (St Francis Xavier) on the main road south of Mexted Motors service station.

Intermediate schools website links

College website links

Speed camera

As a traffic safety measure there is a speed camera zone located along Middleton Road. Please slow down and drive carefully in Glenside.

 Stream care

If your house is beside the stream then you need to be mindful of these important factors.

  • The stream and banks are privately owned. Don’t walk in the neighbour’s part of the stream without permission.
  • Clear your part of the stream-bed of fallen branches and obstructions to maintain the free flow.
  • Don’t kill the eels, they are people’s pets. Feed eels meat, not bread. Bread is foreign to their diet and makes them ill.
  • Do not feed ducks bread. It makes ducks sick and disables them. Feed ducks wheat, barley or similar grains, oats (uncooked; rolled or quick) rice (cooked or uncooked), birdseed (any type or mix) frozen peas or corn (defrosted, no need to cook), chopped lettuce or other salad mixes, chopped vegetable trimmings or peel.
  • Don’t throw garden waste and lawn clippings into the stream or leave it close to the stream bank as it causes problems washing onto people’s properties downstream. Lawn clippings harm the stream, depleting oxygen for fish.
  • Ecologists have researched that planting cabbage trees along stream banks will prevent erosion in the long term as cabbage trees have strong tap roots. Planting native grasses along the edge of the streambanks provides cover and shade for fish. Fish lay their eggs on native grasses, which hatch when the grass is agitated in a fresh (high water).
  • Every year in about March the Greater Wellington Regional Council walk the length of the main stream to check for obstructions.

 Eco Groups

There are several groups enhancing the ecology operating in the Glenside community.

Predator Free

First started in 2014 as Enhancing the Halo, Predator Free is a family friendly project which supports householders to destroy unwanted pests in the backyard, such as 'possums, rats and ferrets. Its aim is to bring back native song birds. 

Glenside Restoration Planting Group

The Glenside Restoration Group has several planting projects along Glenside Road and the banks of the Stebbings Stream along the old Stebbings Road, off Glenside Road.

The Halfway House Heritage Gardeners

This group is revegetating the Halfway House stream bank and supporting the landscape plan for developing the gardens at the historic Halfway House.

Glenside Streamcare Group

From 2001-2012 the Streamcare Group undertook revegetation projects beside the streamsides at Stebbings Dam, and along Middleton Road from Rowells Road Bridge to Piebald Cutting and at the Debris Arrestor at Richmond Hill. You can read about what its enthusiasts achieved in the community in the menu item here.