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Northern Ward Councillors learning about the emergency water supply

What a beautiful day for Neighbours Day 2019 at the historic Halfway House  in Glenside. Wellington Water opened the Red Shed to explain the Northern Suburbs emergency water supply, Barry Blackett gave a demonstration on rat and ‘possum trapping for Predator Free and Andrea Wilson supplied the background music on flute and ukulele. There were picnics and games for the children, and a hot cuppa courtesy of the Glenside Progressive Association. Enjoy our selection of photographs. Pictured above: Nick from Wellington Water talking the Northern Ward Councillors through the finer details of the Northern Ward emergency water supply.

Pine cone painting

Pine cone painting

Apple bobbing

Apple bobbing

Flautist in the orchard

Flautist in the orchard. Andrea inaugerates her new flute.

Predator free talk

Predator Free. Barry Blackett explains how to trap cunning rats and 'possums

Water talk

Emergency water talk

Tug of Wat

Tug-of-war. Photo: Marg Ellis.